the goverment runs the Post office it lost 8 billion dollars last year, the SS had lost or been defrauded out of 200 billion dollars last year. Gov only does the millitary well
That's deceptive. All those things aren't really businesses at all, and shouldn't be treated as one as far as profit goes. They are essentially needed public services provided and subsidized by the government. It doesn’t make any more sense to think what you said than to think the government doesn't do a good job just because the police, fire departments, or the military, don't make a profit. Now, it is good to mitigate waste and give people the treatment without making anything worse, but if a business really took over the post office or SS what would
really happen in that case isn't that it wouldn't get better for people. They're profit margins would get better, probably, but what would really happen is that it would either be a lot more expensive for people which would be bad considering it is a needed public service or it wouldn't be available to some of them
at all. Could you image if your house was on fire or somebody was trying to rob you and when the police or fire departments came to your house they told you, “Well you and your neighbors are a little behind in your protection payments so we are just going to sit here and watch you die or let your neighborhood burn down unless you can quickly get us the money so we don’t run in the red this quarter for saving you. Maybe if the trouble gets to a more affluent part of town we might do something.”
As far as insurance companies part of what needs to be kept in mind is that their profits are down do to the cost of health care, (Which the government needs to regulate by taking control of medicine, but gosh can't think about that now can we.

) and yet mysteriously all the insurers don’t' seem to make that much of an effort to try to get all their partners in the medical business to rain in their cost. Secondly, insurance is one of those things that isn't a necessity of life until it's needed. I wonder how much their profits are down do to people just not being able to get it or just choosing to go without because they can't afford it anymore. Every time that happens the insurance companies get nothing.
For the time the insurance companies do make a profit. If our health and well being as a nation is at state why should we have to pay somebody to make a profit at all when something is so needed and is a virtual human right. There is no sense not to run a non-profit government system for the betterment of everybody.